Debate In The Islamic World

Since corporate media do not expose Americans to efforts in the Islamic world to change the state of rot enveloping the religion, it is important to share the information that comes my way. Although our Emperor and the junta despise Al-Jazeera, it is leading the critique of Islam in a way that even the Western media do not dare.
The following video aired on Al-Jazeera a few weeks ago and is a must see for those who think no one in the Islamic world is asking the same questions Westerners are:
Michael Levenson, Boston Globe
It was an urgent chore that brought together people of different faiths -- brushes and spray bottles in hand.Standing shoulder to shoulder at the Striar Jewish Community Center, Dr. Saeed Shahzad, a local Muslim leader, spritzed a cleaner on the wall, while the Rev. John E. Kelly, pastor of a local Roman Catholic church, and Zack Lappen, 14, a member of the center, scrubbed with brushes. Less than 24 hours after someone had painted 11 large swastikas on the side of the center, leaders from several religions came together yesterday to scrub away the hate. As they worked, 60 people cheered, sang in Hebrew and English, held signs proclaiming "No Place for Hate," and clapped as the acting police chief, Chris Ciampa, vowed to catch the culprits. The people declared that a crime intended to divide the community had ended up uniting it, in a sun-baked show of solidarity.
Rhoda Amon, Newsday
Their discussions ranged from polygamy to women's lib, but, through it all, Muslims and Jews found they had much in common. The dialogue on "Women and Islam" at Temple B'nai Sholom in Rockville Centre was the first in a recent Sunday night series that runs through April 2 and is designed by Rabbi Barry Dov Schwartz to build understanding between the faiths.The idea, he said, came from King Abdullah II of Jordan who invited 20 American rabbis to lunch in Washington in September and urged them "to bring Muslims and Jews together." The first guest a week ago Sunday, Dr. Kausar Zaman of Woodbury, a pediatrician at Winthrop-University Hospital and Mercy Medical Center and trustee of the Islamic Center of Long Island, sought to dispel the view that Islam subjugates women. (MORE)
I love your blog. I clicked on the link for the tv feed, and my browser kept shutting down. It's probably a bug on my part because I do have a cable connection.
Anyway, I'd love to see (or read) what the story was about. I've often wondered when the moderates were going to speak up. I had no idea Al Jazeera was so moderate.
The university I (sometimes - when I qualify at work) go to, used to advertise on Al Jezeera, which is why they attracted so many royals from the Middle East. It takes a royal bankroll to go there too, at $500 a credit hour!
I love to see the moderate Muslims speak up, because from the standpoint of someone who gets their news from the mainstream American media, it would seem as though there aren't any moderate Muslims. I'm glad you're here to shed some light on the subject.
Boris -
I hope you can figure out a way to watch this. Not only is the commentator a moderate, it is a woman and she put the smack down in no uncertain terms. It is a pleasure to watch.
That was some powerful stuff. And I just loved that it was a woman saying all that.
In litigation, I have learned early on that the truth is always somewhere in the middle of each opponents' assertions. Neither the plaintiff nor the defendant is ever completely in the right, or completely truthful for that matter. More times than not, each side has a valid point.
Politics is same thing. The truth lies somewhere in the middle of the conflict. One side doesn't have to be wrong for another to be right. To the contrary, each side can, and usually is, right in their own limited respect. The key is trying to show each side that its opponent has valid points, showing them how they can better conduct themselves in the future for each side's benefit, and then convincing them to settle the conflict.
Unfortunately, politics tends to be too much like litigation in that its too adversarial. Each side feels that they must "win" by "defeating" the other side. But that's not reality.
Reality is that most cases settle. The parties usually end up "splitting the baby." Similarly, in politics, conflicts are resolved through compromise, not "defeating" your enemy. Any mindset that teaches one to see the world in black and white or good and evil --whether it be radical Islam or Neo-conservative politics-- will fail to take advantage of compromises that can benefit each side to the conflict.
I applaud the lady on the tape for making the bold move to criticize Islam the same way the many in the US are critical of America. Only in this way can each side drop the self-righteous dogma and come to terms with solving the problems facing the world, particularly the Middle East.
If there was more understanding, we wouldn't be faced with alot of the stuff we're seeing today.
Dina, thanks for shedding a little sunlight on the darkness of our understanding.
I'm deep in the belly of the beast in Houston yet again this week.
DeLay won his primary again.
No I do not. Like the woman in the video, I am a secular humanist.
Mr. Sleep -
What are you doing in Houston?
That was a moving speech. I was going to use it, but you beat me to the punch. Too bad it hasn't had air time in the US.
Working on the mother of all, IT projects for the big outfit I work for. We're taking information from 700+ sources, and consolidating it all down into a big old honkin' data warehouse, that is bigger than Dick Cheney's bar bill.
Plus we're closing 60 plus data center around the world, and consolidating them into 3, all over the course of 2 years, and I just happen to be one of the key project leads.
Mrs. Sleep is not a happy camper, since I have to come down here every two to three weeks for a week at a time.
I had trouble watching the video too - most of my machines are Macs and it seemed that this needed Media Player 10 (Microsoft conveniently keeps the Macs 1 Gen back - so Macs are only on MP9 now). I took the opportunity while visiting my parents house and watch it from here and I have to say it was well, well worth the revisitation.
It amazes me that the mainstream media doesn't present the debate from within the Muslim world. I can't figure out why -there doesn't seem to be any downside to knowing that people don't only exist in the extremes.
But, alas Birdy, there is a downside to that. It makes Muslims human if you show they struggle with the same issues we do. If they are human, you have a tough time scaring the bejesus out of the population to convince them to send their kids to die in war and to hand over the Constitution to Big Brother Bush because these evil savages are lurking behind bushes waiting to kill us all. Nothing works on the masses like fear.
MERMI is an interesting source for information, isn't it? One of these days I'll get you to read JWR regularly too.
Ok, maybe not! LOL!
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